Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thrifty Thursday- Walmart's Savings Catcher

I don't love shopping at Walmart. I used to shop there a lot when they were testing the market doing double coupons on Tuesdays in my area.  It was worth it then, because my coupons could be doubled and I ended up getting a lot of free items to stock up in my pantry.  Now, living in a different area, I rarely ever shop at Walmart.  I eat a lot more produce and organic items since reading The Fast Metabolism Diet, and Walmart doesn't offer a very good selection of those items.  I really love Smith's.  It's my go to grocery stop.  (I actually cried happy tears when we moved to our new house and I saw a Smith's within a mile of our house.) 

Occasionally, I do go to Walmart when I need something non-food related that Smith's doesn't have.  While I am there, I usually end up picking up a few essential food items to save me a grocery trip later, but I always wonder if I could have price matched to get a better deal somewhere else.  Well, now I don't have to wonder anymore.  Have you heard of the new Walmart Savings Catcher?  Well, if you ever go to Walmart, even if it's only a few times a year like me, than the Savings Catcher can save you money.  Basically, you go onto the Walmart Savings Catcher app or website, sign up for a free account, input your receipt number, and the Walmart Savings Catcher will compare your purchases to printed ads in your area to see if you could have saved money somewhere else.  If Walmart's price isn't the lowest, they will refund you the money difference in an account that goes right to you!  It is really that easy. I have uploaded 2 receipts, and have already gotten back $1.37.  It is not a whole lot, but if you shop at Walmart a lot, it can add up to big bucks.  You have to upload receipts within 7 days of date of purchase, and the money goes onto a Walmart gift card.  So check it out and let me know what you think!

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