Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Favorites

A few things I have been obsessed with lately that you totally need to know about.

1. Luna Chocolate Peppermint Stick 

You need this bar in your life, like yesterday.  I have tried a lot of health and protein bars, and most of them taste poo.  Poop mouth...poop. (10 points for anyone that can name that quote.)  Anyways, this chocolate peppermint stick reminds me of Christmas every time I take a bite.  This lady at the grocery store introduced me to these treats.  She said they were the best things she has ever had, so of course I had to buy one.  I wish I could thank her for the recommendation, because I have been buying these things in stock ever since.  I am so addicted.  Target has these for $5 with a box of 7, which is a screaming deal.  So do yourself a favor, and go buy some right now.

2. The Wet Brush

I love the blog maskCARA so freaking much, and THIS post helped me change the way I get ready every single morning.  This brush is a life saver.  My hair is really really fine, but I have a lot of it.  Because of it's fine-ness, it tangles like a rat's nest from hell.  My normal hair brushing routine after a shower would take about 5 minutes of continuous brushing, and at the end I would have a hairball bigger than your cat's going in the trash from all the hair I ripped off my scalp from intense brushing.  My hair is so horrible to brush when wet, that I brush it myself at the salon after a shampoo just to spare my stylist from the agony and time it takes to untangle my hair.  You can only imagine how happy I was after finding the The Wet Brush.  I don't know how it does it, but it totally works to get all the tangles out without the pain and pulling that normal brushes cause on wet hair.  I got mine at Target.

1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose the chocolate peppermint stick bar is OK for the FMD folks, huh?
