Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tasty Tuesday- My Fast Metabolism Diet Review

*Follow my FMD journey on INSTAGRAM @soupontherocks
I did it!  I survived the 28 day Fast Metabolism Diet program, and guess what?  It wasn't that bad.  In fact, even though I am technically done, I am still eating most of the same foods (just not in the specific phase order).  I feel good inside.  The biggest difference I have felt is ENERGY.  Ahhhh, sweet energy.  As a mom raising two young boys, that word is usually nonexistent in my vocabulary, but on The Fast Metabolism Diet program I have felt physically energized the whole time.  Mental energy...that's a whole other story.  My hair isn't falling out as much, I sleep a lot better, and my digestive system is stellar.  (Yeah, I said it.)  But the biggest difference from my journey on The Fast Metabolism Diet has been WEIGHT LOSS.  Oh, sweet weight loss.  I have missed you so much.  So, here are my totals by week from my first month on The Fast Metabolism Diet.

Week 1:   -4 lbs
Week 2:   -3 lbs
Week 3:   -5 lbs
Week 4:   -2 lbs

Total Weight Loss:  -14 lbs

I couldn't be happier!  That's 1/2 lb loss per day.  This week I am taking a one week break-ish.  I am pretty much following the diet still, but I am mixing up the phases and allowing myself a couple treats that are still within the FMD guidelines.  The last thing I want to do this week is blow all my hard work away, so I am being extra careful to pay attention to everything I eat.
I love this diet.  I actually don't like calling it a diet.  It is more of a lifestyle change.  I know, everyone says that, but it is so true.  I also love that the FMD food is pretty basic and I don't even feel like I am dieting.  Seriously though, what other diet allows pasta, fruit, and french toast?  Well, this one does.  The hardest adjustment for me was cheese.  I didn't expect cheese to be hard to give up, but there are so many things that cheese goes in to make a meal complete.  But, I survived and so will you if you're planning to start The Fast Metabolism Diet.

Getting started can be a little overwhelming to say the least.  I remember thinking, "Where do I begin?"  So, I am going to show you some of the things I did that really helped keep me on track.

First, I printed off the FMD rules, blank diet sheets, serving sizes, and phase specific foods, and put them on my fridge.  It is important to be as organized as possible.  

Next, I made a shopping list of all the soups I wanted to make and what ingredients I needed.  I also added any other things I would need for week 1 of the diet.  Then, I went out and loaded up on groceries.  We usually eat semi-healthy, but our kitchen was lacking on a lot of the supplies I needed to make the soups I wanted to.  I ended up buying a lot of fresh fruit, organic meat, veggies, sprouted grain bread, barley, and other grains we didn't usually use.  I went to Sprout's for my first shopping trip, but later I realized Smith's has pretty much everything that Sprout's does in their organic/gluten free section for a lot cheaper, so now I just go there.  The only things I still have to go to Good Earth or Sprouts for is xylitol, Ezekiel sprouted bread, and sprouted tortillas.

The first thing I did when I got home was portion out the perishable foods.  Since each phase is only 2-3 days, you are switching things up a lot and the last thing you want is for your food to go bad before you get to eat it the next week when the phase comes around again.  I decided to portion out the nitrate-free deli meat, bread, turkey bacon, and I even cooked some ground beef and portioned it out too for easy access.  This step was critical to my success on the diet.  It made things so simple, and the food I bought lasted a lot longer than if I were to just put it all in the fridge.  Every night, I would look at my meal plan for the next day and take out what I would need out of the freezer and put it in the fridge.  Then in the morning, it would be thawed and ready to go for my day. 

In these pics I bought sprouted bread on the shelf since I couldn't find the freezer kind.  Since then, I have been buying the Ezekiel sprouted bread found in the freezer.  Even though it is frozen, I still like to portion it out into bags.  It just makes it easier to take a bag out the night before and have it thawed the next morning to make french toast or whatever you are using it for.

Next, I started cooking.  I spent the next two days cooking away.  I ended up making the Phase 1 Chili, Phase 1 Chicken and Barley Soup, Phase 1 Turkey, Bean, and Kale Soup, and the Phase 1 Chicken and Wild Rice Soup.  (In week 2 I also made the Phase 2 Chicken and Veggie Soup, which I talked about last week.)  I scooped the correct portion sizes of each soup into a quart size ziplock bag, labeled them, and froze them flat in my freezer.  I highly recommend doing this if you have a busy lifestyle and are going to start this diet.  It was so easy for me to grab a soup and go when I was in a hurry.  These soups saved me.  Most of the recipes I cut in half and they still made a ton of soup.  I have a few of them in my freezer still, and I will just use them when I start the diet again next week.  My favorite is the Chicken and Barley.  It reminds me of chicken noodle soup, but with barley instead of noodles.  It was delish!

And there you have it folks.  That is how I prepared to begin The Fast Metabolism Diet.  Week 1 was still a little hard getting used to the food, when to eat, and what to eat, but it was a lot easier being prepared and having everything I needed ready to go.  By week 2, you know the drill and it just gets easier from there.  
My favorite phase is Phase 1.  I love fruit and carbs grains, so this phase makes my stomach happy.  My least favorite phase is no surprise- Phase 2.  I will admit that I struggle a lot in Phase 2.  I don't like seafood and I am a picky veggie eater, so that gives me limited options on what I can eat for Phase 2.  Yes, there were times I had to literally gag down chicken and broccoli for the fifth time in a row, but it is only 2 days.  You can do anything for 2 days.  The lifesaver for me in Phase 2 is making lemon sorbet.  I will be posting the recipe for that and a few of my other favorite sweets and treats from the diet next week, so stay tuned.

Overall, I love The Fast Metabolism Diet and it has genuinely changed my life.  My outlook on food is totally different, and I feel so good inside.  Who knew that a simple visit to a clinic to get my hormones checked would lead to me reading this book and finally losing the weight I have been carrying for far too long?  I am sure the hormones have a lot to do with it too, but the diet is still awesome regardless.  I have recommended this book to my friends and family, and it is so exciting seeing them become healthier too.  My mom has lost 12 lbs, my dad lost 15 lbs, and my friend (who did it for health reasons besides weight loss) still lost 8 lbs and it made her insomnia she has had for years go away. Amazing!
Even though 14 lbs is something to be proud of, I still have a lot more to go until I hit my goal.  For once, I have hope and feel like losing weight is possible.  My clothes are fitting better, but it is the inside changes that have made the bigger difference.  I smile more, and I am a better mom to my kids and wife to my husband.  If you are struggling with weight or just want to get a little healthier, I seriously recommend reading The Fast Metabolism Diet.  I am not getting paid to review this book or tell you how awesome it is.  I promise you it works.  If nothing else, you will learn so much about the science in your body.  I don't even like to read, but I really enjoyed the book.  I promise you will not regret it.  I didn't.  


  1. Awesome! I'm so glad that you feel better, and that you're making progress towards your goals. This is a really interesting lifestyle change- I'm not done reading the book, so I don't have a fully-formed opinion yet, but I'm so glad it's working for you!

    Question: what did your husband/son do for a month of dinners? Did you cook something else for him, or did he fend for himself?

    1. Megan, my kids and husband ate some of what I made but most of the time they ate their own food. For breakfast my kids would eat cereal or instant oatmeal, for lunch they would eat some nitrate free deli meat and fruit (while my husband ate food at his work), and for dinner we all ate my food unless it was stuff they didn't like. Then I would make a meal and just alter it so I could eat too. It wasn't that challenging and the whole family is eating healthier now.

    2. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The fast metabolism diet review: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight at atallcures.com


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  2. any way you can post your meal plan for the week? i've been doing FMD but feel like I'm running out of things to cook!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Chelsea10/16/2013

      Sure thing!

  3. Anonymous10/08/2013

    Did you use the app at all?

    1. Chelsea10/16/2013

      Yes! I love the app. Worth the money in my opinion and helped keep me on track and plan.

  4. Anonymous10/10/2013

    Great tips! I am on week one of the Fast Metabolism Diet. I have already learned so much with finding out which healthier foods to buy and cooking with healthy/clean ingredients, including some I've never bought in my life! I was curious how you were able to get your hormones tested? I have a feeling mine are out of whack and am not sure how exactly to explain that to my family doctor, or do I find a different type of doctor to go to and request this. Any information is greatly appreciated. Congrats on the weight loss and healthier lifestyle!

    1. Chelsea10/16/2013

      I researched a lot of doctors in my area and found a small women's clinic the specialized in hormone repair and weight loss help. They ran every test in the book after hearing how I was feeling, and then came up with a plan that got me on track. It's helped so much. I would start researching and maybe ask friends if they know anyone good.

  5. Perfect!!! in the future I will make you do some scheduling.
    Thank you.

  6. Wow, you definitely eat a lot of organic and healthy food, huh? That's really great! I was amazed with how you prepared the food for your fast metabolism diet. The great thing about it is that you love all those food, and at the end of the day, they all contribute to your healthy way of living.

    Noel Jessen @ So Cal Boot Camp

  7. Anonymous10/18/2013

    Thanks for sharing such great feedback! Looking forward to your Lemon Sorbet and other sweet treat recipes as that's what I'm craving most!

  8. Chelsea10/19/2013

    Thanks for your comment! I've taken a little break due to a family emergency, but I am starting up again next week and will be posting that recipe.

  9. Please keep posting things about the diet. For those of us just now trying it out I feel lost. I've made copies of all your soup recipes and will go to the store tomorrow to buy the ingredients. I wish I had done more preparation like you did. It's been hard for me to drink all the water required. Also, to eat on time. I get busy and forget. Thanks for all your advice! Keep it up!

  10. Anonymous11/01/2013

    Thanks for all your information, was very helpful in starting the diet. After two weeks I've only lost 3lbs. Getting frustrated. Been wondering if it's too much food for someone 5'2" with 10 lbs to lose? Been following the correct portion sizes as well. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!

    1. Chelsea11/01/2013

      3 lbs is great. You might see more in the next weeks. I averaged about 1/2 lb a day of weight loss, so 3 lbs is about normal. I would stick with the portion sizes, but maybe check the FMD website because some of the portions were changed after the book came out. Keep with it! Even if you don't lose what you want, I promise you will feel better inside.

    2. Chelsea11/01/2013

      Sorry, I first read 3 lbs one week, not two. I see how that can be a little discouraging. Are you drinking all your water? Also remember that when you have only a little weight to lose, it can be harder to get off and might take a little more time. But be happy that you're almost 1/3 away from 10lbs! That's still good and you're going in the right direction.

    3. Anonymous5/30/2014

      I was just searching for someone that has not lost any weight on this plan. I am on my fourth day and I have not lost one pound. I am following the phases doing the exercise however I am not drinking all the water! I would drown myself! 90 oz. of water is too much IMO. Do you think it could be just because of the water though? I can't figure it out???

    4. I am on day 9 of this diet after many people recommended it as being hugely successful. At this time I have only lost one pound, and I have 30 to lose! I am following to the letter, except I'm drinking even more water(!) than she recommends to help flush toxins away. I have had no slip-ups at all, and weigh and measure everything (except the vegetables because she says the more the merrier). I am so frustrated I could cry.

    5. This is day 8 for me and I haven't lost a single pound. I have 10 lbs to lose and am very frustrated. I'm following the plan in all ways. Thanks

  11. Chelsea, I made that chicken soup for phase 2. It had no taste but chicken broth. I was missing the 1 bay leaf and cumin. Did you add other seasonings to make it have a flavor? Thanks!

    1. Chelsea11/01/2013

      Yes!!! I probably should have mentioned that. I had to add a lot of extra seasoning to make it taste like soup instead of water broth. I added a lot f garlic salt, almost double the seasonings, and a lot of salt. You can also add more seasonings right before you eat each serving, because sometimes when it sits together or freezes, it can mix more and taste different than when you first cooked it. Hopefully that makes sense. But yes, season away until it tastes how you like.

  12. Thank you, as you shared lots of helpful tips. Question--did you freeze your baggies of deli meat?

    1. Chelsea1/27/2014

      Yes I froze my deli meat in separate ziplock bags and pulled one out the night before to put in the fridge. Since the meat I use is nitrate free on the diet, it can spoil faster and freezing it makes it last longer for me.

  13. I am confused as to what the portion sizes are for soup.... ? Can you give me any tips? Like the minestrone and the lentil chili?

    1. Chelsea3/02/2014

      I'm not totally sure about that soup specifically. I would check Haylie's website and discussion board there. I know there were a few serving size portion changes made that differ from the book. I used about 2 cups worth of soup. Pretty much filled up 2/3 of a quart ziplock bag. Sorry, that answer isn't the best, but I think serving sizes also depend on how much you have to lose.

  14. Anonymous5/05/2014

    I am having a problem finishing my food. Like i'm full. Should i eat the whole thing or just safe it for dinner?

    1. I had gastric bi-pass and her site recommended that all the foods be eaten, but I could break it up. How about eating 6-7 meals rather than only 5. Good Luck!

  15. New Recipe!!!

    One of the best parts about beef tenderloin is that it’s so full of flavor and tender that it doesn’t need a fancy sauce ladened with butter to be delicious.

    This is simply crusted in a garlic, mustard, pepper rub and roasted in the oven.

    The recipe takes about an hour and a half from start to finish and serves four.


    3-4 lbs of beef tenderloin
    1 tsp of sea salt
    1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp of olive oil
    1/4 cup of Dijon mustard
    4 cloves of garlic, minced
    3 tsp of freshly ground black pepper

    Preheat the oven to 450 deg F.
    If it’s a larger cut of beef, cut it in half for easier cooking. Trim and tie the meat with cooking twine (about two inches apart).
    For a better sear, rub the steak with salt on all sides and then place in the freezer for half an hour. Both of these techniques help pull the moisture out of the steak and allow for a better sear.
    Heat 2 Tbsp of oil in a large skillet (not non-stick) over medium/high heat and brown the steak on all sides (about 4 min per side). This will help seal in flavor and juices during cooking.
    Remove from heat and place on cutting board
    Whisk together the rest of the oil, mustard, garlic, pepper and thyme
    Generously rub or brush the mixture on all sides of the beef.
    Place in a roasting rack inside a roasting pan and cook for 25-30 minutes or until the core temperature of the thickest part is 120 degrees. That will give you a medium rare beef tenderloin in the middle with a more well-done end. *Roasting time will vary on the size of meat, your oven and how much it was seared so check at 20 minutes and then 5 minute intervals.
    Remove from oven and cut off/remove the cooking twine.
    Let rest for 10-15 minutes before serving.

  16. Its fantastic to read something on .A good way to maintain weight reduction is to stop eating a few hours before bed. Eating more vegetables and fruits can be a nutritious, healthy means to drop weight. I like the way you written the post on Weight loss. Thanks For sharing such a nice post... Fast diet

  17. Well, program such as Thinnest.org will help a lot.

  18. Awesome review!! I can't wait to read more of your posts! Im starting the FMD tomorrow!

  19. The Fast Metabolism Diet is a tricky diet and it needs careful choices on foods you have to eat in each phase. Some didn't survive but knowing other people who survived feels great! Congrats Chelsea, you made it! Keep it up!

  20. Anonymous1/19/2015

    Hi! I was just curious if you ended up doing the FMD a second time around. If so, how did it go with taking a break in between cycles? I am just starting week 3 and so far so good! I was hoping to take a week long break before starting the cycle again but am a little nervous about taking a break! I am hoping to do the cycle 3 times in total! Any feedback is appreciated! Thank you!

    1. Chelsea2/21/2015

      I did do the diet a second time, and I lost 12 lbs total during the second round. Since then, I got pregnant and am not doing the diet, but I plan to follow a Phase 3 with extra fruits after my baby is born while I am nursing until I can go on the diet again.

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  22. I dont eat beef, pork or chicken. Will I be able to follow this diet?

  23. You have a wonderful blog! I'm glad I found it! I am 78 and Today is Day 2 of FMD. What I LOVED about this post is that you took all those photos of the freezer packages. WAY TO GO! I'm not organized at all, but then I'm retired. --- I had three boys in four years and YEP, I gained weight and didn't take it off until I was near 50. But I've gained a lot more back. I have a BlueTomatoJournal Blog - with photos and if I make it to 28 days, I'll write about it. I posted a Plan B Diet one a blog back in 2010!

  24. OK, ladies, I'm on day three of the FMD and I'm so full I could burst. I'm eating smaller and smaller portions and I'm drinking more of the water required... I'm to have dinner in an hour and a half and I'm so full.... I really want to experience all the benefits described here - but I have not read that anyone else felt overly full... help....

    1. Yes and in the book she said that might happen, I am glad its not just me!

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  26. Anonymous3/14/2015

    My husband and I have been on the FMD for 3 weeks. I have lost 9 lbs. and he has lost 10 lbs. This plan works! I found that I have to review the list of foods for each phase often, so I can plan accordingly. The beauty of this plan is that it repairs the metabolism and I can really tell. I am no longer having the blood glucose lows that left me feeling shaky etc. That alone is worth doing the plan! My husband is a Type 2 diabetic and his glucose numbers are fabulous.

  27. Anonymous4/07/2015

    Thanks for sharing your story of the diet. I need a lung transplant and in order to prepare for that I need to drop 35-50 lbs. I have very little ability to work out. I do my best with 28% lung capacity so I am praying this way of eating works for me.

  28. Anonymous4/28/2015

    I am on Tuesday of the third week and I have not lost even part of a pound. I am measuring everything but cannot drink all the water. I am drinking some herbal teas. I am exercising. It is very disappointing, especially since the diet requires lots of expensive food and giving up my coffee and milk.( I used to thinks I couldn't get going without my coffee).

  29. Anonymous5/25/2015

    Thank you!!! I'm starting week 4 of my first round and I lost 8 pounds. It is definitely a lifestyle change.

  30. Great post! Really looking forward to starting this diet on Monday!

  31. Are the soups incredibly thick? Today, I made the chicken and barley. With 8 cups of liquid, the chicken, all the veggies and then 2 cups of barley, at the end of the cooking time there wasn't much broth. (I like soup without much broth), but I was wondering if this is how it is? I'll probably add broth when I get ready to use the various portions. Thanks for your time and knowledge.

  32. Hi!
    My name is Susana Barker, i am a housewife. I has a fat body so i want to find a best tip to weight loss. I found at: http://healthfitnessreviewshq.com/the-half-day-diet-review/ It contain the best plans and tips to weight loss. It is helpful for me at this time, i will share this article to all friend and recommended to buy it! Thank for shared!

  33. Disappointed. Discouraged. Not a single pound lost in two weeks. I feel scammed and ashamed that I bought into this diet.

    1. Hi Lisa, I don't know if you will ever see this, but have you considered getting your thyroid checked? I'm no doctor, but there could be a medical reason for your body not losing weight. Wishing you the best!

    2. Anonymous10/09/2017

      f you find yourself gaining a little on Phase 3, consider:

      Try using starchy vegetables instead grains. Substitute sweet potato, beans or winter squash at dinner instead of rice or quinoa.
      Add lots of fresh herbs and spices, which support the gallbladder and help emulsify fat.
      Skip the grain at dinner at least one of the three days
      Extend Phase 2. Do this ONLY after you’ve completed a full round of the 28-day diet. For one or two weeks, do two days of Phase 1, three days of Phase 2, and two days of Phase 3.
      If you’re really having a hard time, partner with your doctor to have your hormones checked. If you are on thyroid medication, ask your doctor to re-check your dosages. In my clinics, I often find that as my clients get healthier and lose weight, their dosages need to be adjusted.

  34. Thanks for the useful information I would suggest that you learn with this video. Be helpful and get maximum knowledge about the fast diet. This e-book wll suggest you : bestdietpillstoloseweightfast.blogspot.com

  35. Hi there,

    So glad I found your blog. I am in my first week - phase I, day 2. I'm excited about all the fruits I get to eat, however, I AM HUNGRY! Except for after lunch yesterday when I was super full. I've eaten so many vegetables to help hold me over but it's a little bit miserable. I'm going to do these 28 days though! What do I do about the incessant hunger?!

    I'm about 6'1" and have 20 lbs to lose - currently in the upper end of my weight range and am trying to get towards the mid to lower end so that my clothes fit again.

  36. Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information!
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  37. After breakfast take 1 hour gap, and drink water gradually up to 1 litre, one hour before lunch. http://www.garciniacambogiafreetrial.org

  38. Anonymous7/17/2017

    I just finished Week 1. I lost 5 lbs. I have a question; what changes each week? It seems to me that you just keep repeating week one...is that right? do the service sizes change?

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  41. Anonymous5/21/2019

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  42. Anonymous12/26/2022

    Would someone take Roberts off. He is disgusting
