Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Favorites- Toddler Bath Fun

When my 2-year old takes a bath, there are three things that he HAS to have every time in order for his bath to be "totally cool" (his words).  These Friday Favorites would make a great gift for a toddler birthday party, since most kids have a bazillion toys already and bath toys are not usually thought of.

1. Washable Bath Crayons
My little guy LOVES these things.  They are really easy for him to grip, and he loves to color all over the tile and walls of the bathtub.  And if you are wondering if they are really washable, trust me, they are.  I found this out when my son decided to color the whole bathroom, including the walls, floors, toilet, scale, and anything else you can think of in a bathroom.  Thank goodness it all came off easily with a sponge. 

2. Mr. Bubble Extra Gentle Bubble Bath
As soon as the bath water comes on, my little guy immediately asks for bubbles. "Bubbles mom, bubbles!"  We go through a LOT of bubbles.  I have tried a lot of different brands of bubbles, but Mr. Bubble seems to be the best one.  You only need a little bit, and you get a lot of bubble. Other brands I have tried seem to take half the bottle to get the same bubble volume as Mr. Bubble does.  I also love their Extra Gentle formula in the white bottle.  It doesn't irritate my kid's skin and doesn't have a sickly bubble gum smell that other brands have.  I usually buy a big tub of Mr. Bubble and put it into an old Elmo bubble bath bottle since obviously Elmo is way cooler than a giant pink bubble character.  If you ask me, Mr. Bubble is definitely the biggest "bubble" for your buck.  (I crack myself up sometimes.)

3. Crayola Color Bath Dropz
No bath in our house is complete without some color.  My son gets so excited to pick out what color his bath will be.  I also love these color dropz, because it teaches him about blending colors.  The dropz are little tablets that fizz and fill the whole tub with whatever color you want.  They come in blue, red, and yellow tablets, but my son loves mixing two of them together to create purple, orange, and green. 

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